Tuesday 30 August 2016



Do you know that a life without Christ is devoid of victory? Do you a life without a daily download of the  promises in his word the bible is an empty life? No matter the situation , no matter the economic hardship, no matter the marital or emotional or family problem, there is a God that wants you to  live a victorious life. A life that is unique , a life that is full of purpose, a life that is a testimony.
 I would rather live a victorious life than to live a life that has no purpose. A life that my descendants would see the handwriting  and seal of Christ in all I do than to live a life full of regret and pain.
Are you experiencing a non victorious life ? is your life  a dark mist, full of delays  that makes you feel disappointed that you feel there is no essence in life ? Are you experiencing delays in your dreams and feel there is no way that you can achieve it ?  then my brother and sister you need to live Christ filled life, meditate  daily on his word to get his plans for your life and confess his promises upon your life and you will always see a light in that tunnel of your life that you think there is no way.
Christ wants you to live a victorious life, he wants you to prosper in the midst of global hardship, he wants you to live a victorious life full of dominion in him but the choice is yours to choose that life.
I have never seen an individual that lives a life in Christ  and  Christ lives daily in him and directs his path that fails. that person is like a tree that grows beside  a stream and bears his fruit in due season and its leaves so evergreen never withers. they succeed in everything they do.
Start this day to live a life filled with the leading of Christ shun every obstacle that will prevent you from living that life and I assure you , your life will begin to be a victorious life.
GREAT DAY!!!!!!!

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