Saturday 20 August 2016




The  feminine essence is more than fragrance, tastes and energetic feelings. Contrary to what the world trend purports, there are qualities that make a lady authentic, radiant and have almost uncanny ability to draw people with seemingly little effort. These are.....
(1) RECTITUDE- This is the state of being honest and having moral integrity.. Can this be downplayed? Not at all. Who can find a virtuous (morally excellent, rectitude) woman? for her price (worth) is far above rubies.
(2) RECEPTIVE- Its that  warm disposition emitting from the woman to the people that makes them come around her. it is better to live in the wilderness, than with a contentious and angry woman.
(3) RELIABLE-   Is she reliable? it's about being trustworthy . confidence in an unfaithful woman in times of trouble is like a broken tooth, a foot out of joint.
(4) RESILIENCE - The power or ability to return to the original form, position etc. after being bent , compressed, or stretched. It is the tenacity of not giving up  and bowing out on life no matter what it throws on one .Naomi the wife of Elimelech would have swum in self pity at all her challenges such as the death of her husband and sons , no grandchildren from not less than  ten years of her son's marriages all in the land of Moab but she courageously went back to Bethlehem. it takes resilience to do that.
(5) RESPONSIBILITY: God has richly endowed women with multitasking abilities which ought not to be undermined. Responsibility grooms the woman  and differentiates her from the commoners (commoners are ladies who retreat to procrastination and excuses ). Whatever thy  hand findeth to do . Do it with all thy might!
(6) RESPECTFUL: This is our ability to show deference to a person or position/ office. it is a collaboration of both body language and words. A woman who shows respect puts herself  in a good position to receive favour and honour in return. Respect works hand in hand with love and kindness.
(7)RICHNESS: Productivity can only produce this richness. it's first a state of the mind. One cant produce  beyond the capacity of her mind. Always remember that the land wasn't cursed for eve. Your land (sphere of influence) is supposed to yield harvest.
(8) RADIANCE: God spent some extra hours in the feminine production. We should give attention to that. Nobody wants to hand out with a dull woman. Smiles  and laughter are not expensive but creasing your forehead with frowns is  because it makes you age faster. Run from masculine colours and understand who fits you . You need  to bear in mind that you are an epitome of God's beauty . Don't treat yourself less.
(9) RESTRAINT: A woman should be self controlled , self disciplined and reflect moderation through her actions . Temper , tantrums and bouts of depression are examples of behavior where self control and discipline are required. In Proverbs 11:22 the scriptures compares a woman without control or moderation to a gold ring in the snout of a pig. This means that a woman should give attention to her behavior at all times.
(10) REVERENCE: This is a basis on which every other qualities  stand. It takes a deep walk with God to have reverential fear for him. " Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised."

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