Saturday, 27 February 2016


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Stewardship is best defined as the use of God given resources for the accomplishment of God given goals. Therefore ,the teaching on Stewardship is the teaching about our relationship to invest whatever resource God  has given  us wisely and purposely in service to God and humanity.
  Our time on earth and our energy, intelligence, opportunities, relationships and all gifts from God. He has entrusted them to our care and management. We never really own anything during our brief stay on earth. God just loans us the earth while we are here. It was God's property before you arrived, and God will loan it to someone else when we  die. There are basically 12principles  of stewardship.
PRINCIPLE NO1:OUR LIVES BELONG TO GOD: We are God's property. We are not our own and we don't belong to ourselves, so the life we have we are given, for a season and for a purpose. We must understand this.
God owns us, he owns our bodies and our body is his. This body belongs to God, because he made us. God made us for one purpose and that purpose was'' for his pleasure''. The stewardship  of life is by living your life for the very purpose God made you. If your life does not portray this purpose then you would have missed the very essence of life.
PRINCIPLE NO2:NOTHING THAT WE HAVE THAT IS OURS: God gave man stewardship of the earth, and not ownership of it. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. We are managers and caretakers of any resource God has taken into our hands. God owns everything but he called us to take care of it on his behalf "The earth is the LORD'S and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein" Psalm 24;1
PRINCIPLE NO3:WHATEVER YOU DONT USE ,YOU LOOSE: This is a natural law, whatever you don't use depreciates in value. For instance the easiest way to damage a machine is to leave it redundant without greasing or any sort of maintenance over a period of time. When you are not adding value you are depreciating and the more you depreciates the more you loose the special gift or talent divinely given to you by God to glorify him.
PRINCIPLE NO4:THERE IS NOBODY WITHOUT A GIFT: There is nobody without ability; everyone has something to offer. It has proven that each person each person at least twenty-six unique abilities. Our potentials is God's gift to us and what we do with our potentials, is our gift to him. Zig Ziglar said," You are the only person on earth who can use your ability." So are you investing what you have been given, regardless of how much it is ? Or,have you buried your blessings and kept it hidden from others.
PRINCIPLE NO5:THE END PRODUCT OF STEWARDSHIP IS MULTIPLICATION: The purpose of stewardship is not just to maintain, but to multiply what God has given to us. Productivity and fruitfulness is required of us.

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