(1)BOILS: Pluck out a garlic clove and crush it. Apply it on the boil 2times a day for one week.one will experience a soothing relief from the pain caused by the boil and also a drastic reduction and final healing.
(2)SKIN INFECTION: The anti-bacterial power of garlic is also effective when applied externally. Crush cloves of garlic and apply it at the topmost part of the affected area and leave it over night(a bandage is also needed to hold it in place).Alternatively one can also mix the crushed garlic cloves with coconut oil(Coconut oil also possesses anti-bacteria and anti-fungal properties)and rub it as a cream on the affected part daily. One was experience a rapid healing effect on the infected part of the skin.
(3)WARTS: Slice cloves of garlic and put it on the wart .Use bandage to hold it in place .keep doing this regularly mornings and evenings until the wart is gone.
(4) HEART ATTACKS: Garlic acts as an effective preventive against heart attack. This is because it thins the blood by reducing platelet aggregation. Boil garlic cloves with milk together and take one tea spoon at night to prevent heart problem. Alternatively Chew 4-5 cloves of garlic occasionally to prevent heart failure.
(5)AMOEBIC DYSENTRY: Taking garlic several times a day (either in raw or capsular form) clears and cleans the system from the bacteria or parasites that causes amoebic dysentery.
(6) COLDS/FLU: Take cloves of garlic daily(either in raw or capsular form).For infants, it can be taken with honey. It can also be applied to the bottom of the feet of infants as a poultice(remember to use a layer of oil and cream first before applying the garlic as a poultice).The cloves of garlic can be eaten regularly with cough syrup and vitamin C. This is because garlic has no side effect on the body also this will help to boost the body immunity which was drastically brought low by the virus (adequate rest is also needed).
(7)TOOTHACHE: Garlic gives an immense relief from toothache. This is because it has antibiotic and other medicinal properties that is very effective in slowing down the effects of bacteria on the tooth. Crush a garlic clove and mix it table salt (salt is a powerful germicide).Apply it directly on the affected tooth. Alternatively, one can chew one or two of garlic. Both methods produces an instant soothing relief.
The medicinal power of Garlic can not be expressed fully. This is because Scientists are still researching and discovering the use of this wonder herb till date. On successive posts, I will talk on the use of this wonder herb in treating numerous human ailments.