RULE NO (1) : We need to have a reformed mindset to be very creative and to think outside the box. If you have a traditional mindset, you could be left behind .The greatest challenge we have in this part of the world is that we don't know how to think outside the box. You must be different in this part of the world in order to excel.
RULE NO(2) : No Government , No environment will give you the opportunity- only the creative can take it by force. one cannot be wealthy in this country by the number of certificates he or she amasses. One can only prosper by the creative power of his or her mind.
RULENO (3):Humility is very vital .learn how to learn even from the illiterate and unschooled for no knowledge is a waste.Attitude and relationship is very vital for one to excel in anything one does.
RULE NO(4):For one to survive and succeed in this part of the world, one needs to have a clear vision of where he or she is going and be passionate for such a vision to come to pass. It is essential to have a vision for what one is to be in life ,for without vision the people perish.
RULE NO (5) :Never invest in a business you don't understand . Researchers say 80% of people don't know who they are. There are people who have failed woefully because they invested in businesses they know nothing. One needs to be judicious when investing in any business in order to have a fruitful profit .
RULE NO (6): No one is a failure in life .It is a lie of the devil from the pit of hell for one to think he or she is. The only difference between a successful person and a non successful person is that the successful one fully utilizes his talents in order to succeed while the other leaves his talents untapped .We serve a God who has given everyone on earth the essential tool in terms of talents to succeed. For one to excel in a down economy one should not leave his or her talent fallow .It must be exceedingly utilized.
RULE NO 7:One should not let his environment nor family upbringing no matter how poor to have a negative effect on his or her dream. One should always have a positive mindset to succeed. The Bible tells us in the book of Philippians 4:13 that "I can do all things through Christ that through Christ that strengthens me " The scriptures also says in the Book of Romans 8:31" what can we say to these things ? If God be for us, Who can be against be against us " If God be for you to succeed no poor environment nor upbringing nor challenges can ever make you to fail. For you can indeed do all things by the power of God that lives fully in you. One can only be a prey to these limitations and sink to its woes thereof if one influenced by circumstances and challenges that surrounds him.
RULE NO8: One needs to action and be consistent in all he does. No matter how well and fruit is your dream or vision ,it is fruitless if you don't take action .Do not procrastinate in carrying your visions to reality for according to a famous adage procrastination is the thief of time. What God requires from you is your consistence and dedication and one day you will break forth and fly like the eagle, ruling the air waves with smiles of victory. Remember One should not be afraid of little beginning for Rome and other great edifices were never built in a day. It is God's will for you to excel even in a down economy don't let anything to stand against you.SHINE FORTH!!!!!!
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