Friday, 13 May 2016



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(6) MONEY HIDES IN IDEAS :Yesterday's impossibilities is today's reality and today's impossibilities is tomorrow's reality. To say that ideas rule the world is no doubt a statement of fact. Countless ideas flow through the mind on a daily basis but only those that are captured upon become products and services.
   There are no creators, there are no innovators. All we have are discoveries and downloads from the created acted upon for results. Take your ideas seriously and start making money from such ideas.
(7) MONEY HIDES IN VISION: When there is vision there is PROvision and where there is no vision there is no PROvision.
Pro-vision means "towards vision or provide for vision" what this means is that vision attracts provision because money hides in vision. People don't give to nothing or support nothing but they do give to a person with a vision .
  Take for instance a nation or territory is flooded with hurricanes , people created a vision to raise money to help and rebuild the nations and millions flows in response to the vision . Money hides in vision and when you have a worthy idea to pursue or implement, don't hesitate because money hides there.
(8)MONEY HIDES IN WORK: He that will not work let him not eat because no work no pay. When people hear of work they get edgy as if work is a negative thing. Work is not a negative thing and the reason why people feel uneasy about work is because they are locked up in a rat race of life with golden handcuffs doing a job they don't like for the money. They are sad on Mondays and glad on Fridays. But if you understand that money hides in work and they are different kinds of work , hard work, smart work, brain work , muscle work etc. Things will change.
(9)MONEY HIDES IN SEED: Your future is in your seed because buried within every seed are great potentials for surprising outcomes. Remember that
  • Opportunities disguises as challenges
  • Treasures sometimes disguises as thrash
  • History sometimes disguises as common event
  • Trees sometimes disguises as seed
You cannot count the number of oranges in a seed even through you can count the number of seeds in an orange. This is because every seed is potentially an orchard .Do not be discouraged when you execute a seed (idea) in order to get money and the money starts coming in trickles , with time and persistence that seed of yours will bring forth a great harvest .
(10)MONEY HIDES IN THE CREATOR:As human beings , we are limited and natural but God is unlimited and supernatural. If  we connect to him , he can add his super to our natural and his unlimitations to our limitations .Money hides in the creator connect to him and let it flow.

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