Wednesday, 13 April 2016


  • Sanders sarcastically thanks Bill Clinton for 'being my psychoanalyst'

    bernie sanders© CNN bernie sanders Sen. Bernie Sanders is not pleased with former President Bill Clinton's assertion that female presidential candidates are subconsciously held to a different standard from male candidates.
    In an interview with CNN that aired on Sunday, Sanders sarcastically hit back at Clinton for suggesting that "gender was a factor" in Sanders' criticism of Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton as unqualified to be president.
    "I appreciate Bill Clinton being my psychoanalyst. It's always nice," Sanders said.
    Despite his pointed retort to former president Clinton's comments, Sanders largely focused his attacks during the interview on Hillary Clinton.
    Sanders refused to attack the former president over his controversial defense of a 1994 crime bill he signed into law when Black Lives Matter protesters disrupted one of his rallies earlier this week.
    As CNN host Jake Tapper pressed Sanders to respond to Bill Clinton's recent remarks on the campaign trail, Sanders instead criticized Hillary Clinton for her campaign's plan to rachet up attacks on the Vermont senator.
    "I think the Clinton campaign has made it public, basically, they told the media, that here in New York they're about to become very negative, about to beat us up," Sanders said.
    He continued: "I have my doubts about what kind of president she would make."

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