Friday, 25 March 2016



Image result for BITTER LEAFImage result for bitter leaf

  Vernonia Amygdalina popularly known as bitter leaf is a useful vegetable plant used for cooking and other medicinal purposes.
    It is called Onugbu in Igbo language and  Ewuro in Yoruba, it also has other distinct indigenous names in every tribe in Nigeria.
   Made popular by its bitter taste, it is used in preparing the well known bitter leaf soup. This Vegetable is extremely good for the body. Health benefits include:
(1) INCREASED FAT METABOLISM- Are you fat and really want to loose weight? Just take a glass of bitter leaf juice daily together with exercise. You will notice a remarkably improvement in weight. This is because bitter leaf helps the liver in the production of bile which helps in fat metabolism.
(2) RELIVES FEVERISH CONDITIONS- Just  drink the juice gotten from squeezed or macerated bitter leaf three times daily and the feverish condition varnishes. This is because bitter leaf contains tannins which also has quinine content that readily attacks the malarial parasite. Unlike other orthodox antimalarial drugs like chloroquine that causes itching when administered to patients, The quinine present in bitter leaf does not itch.
(3) REDUCES BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS: It is almost a well known fact that that bitter leaf drastically reduces blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. Diabetic should drink the juice gotten from the macerated leaf  daily.
(4)CURES SKIN RASHES,ECZEMA AND RING WORM: Bitter leaf has strong anti fungal and antibiotic properties, it cures skin ailments with ease. Rub the macerated leaf in the affected body  part daily and you notice a rapid quick healing.
(6) DETOXIFIES THE BODY-Bitter leaf aids the liver in the detoxification of harmful substances.
(7) Increases breast milk production in nursing mothers
(8) Cures Mild Stomach Ailments- This is due to its antibiotic properties.
(9) Acts as a worm expeller

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