Friday 1 April 2016


It was Bode that woke me up the following morning .
 He told me his dad's burial has been fixed for the next weekend, and there is no money. He told me that his dad's family members started blaming his mum for not giving them adequate information about his dad's illness before the old man eventually passed away.
 All these stories made me love the woman more .
  At last ,he decided to go. I saw him off to the door and he suddenly turned back , hugged me and gave me a peck.
 I came back to the room and started thinking of how I could help Bode and his mum concerning the burial. The only source was my dad, but I wasn't sure he would even send me money knowing that he sent me the last one because of my birthday. But then, I wouldn't be able to wait till the end of the month, to know if he would send money or not  as the burial was fixed  for 29th of April.
  So then,  what can I doooo? "Oh yes!... I have an idea . I will call my dad that I need money . But what if he asked what I need it for, what will I say?....
 I will tell him somebody is sick and the doctor said he needs surgery, but there is no money , so , I wish I would render a little assistance within my reach... can you be of help sir ?"
  That was exactly what I did.
 He said "Who   is this sick person?"
"its one of the corper's I lied ". I lied
"ok.since it is something that has to do with life ,I will try and send any amount I can between now and tomorrow. My regards to him.
we will remember him in our prayers ".
"Thank you dad .Love you sir ."I hung up.
Then my conscience pricked me gently "you just told a lie !....How disappointed your dad would be if he found out !."
I felt bad , but I quickly consoled my self by a thought "what could I have done ?How would he know!"
Almost immediately I was relieved .
I expected an alert from the bank throughout the day, to no avail, the following away too, no alert , but on the third day, I received an alert of 50,000 naira .
Wow! I quickly called Bode after withdrawing the money, to come and meet me at school hours , by then, it was 2 days to the burial, 27th April. When he got to my room, I said
  "How much have you been able to get now for the burial?.."
He said nothing....that his mum's sister who promised to send an amount of money last week failed, but just received a message from her that morning that she would see what she can do by tomorrow.
I opened my bag and gave him the 50,000 naira my dad sent.
He opened his mouth and couldn't shut it .
He held me tightly , kissed me.... and before we both knew it.. we did it.
To be continued in part 6

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