"GO forth to meet the shadowy future and with a manly heart "
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"'
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Former United states President)
Children are usually afraid of the Dark. They imagine and see all those scary images in their midday cartoons and horror films in their wardrobes, chairs and window blinds and rush out of their rooms for their 'super' mum and dad to come to their rescue, lead them back to bed and assure them that everything is alright before they are right assured to go back to sleep. As a child, I suffered such similar fate until I personified and boldly stared at fear in the face and declared "You will scare me no more". Since then till date, I sleep in the dark without any atom of fear in me and I do enjoy my peaceful sleep.
Most people are being hunted and held back from achieving that great height God has destined them to achieve due to fear. They fear when God places a dream so strong in their hearts to achieve because they seem not to fit to achieve such a feat. They are excited when God gives them trailblazing ideas but fear the ridicule of friends, relatives and general society if they fail in the process of carrying it out. They later look for excuses for not pursuing that God given dream and throw in the towel even before starting. But one thing we must be aware of is that Life itself is full of risks. If we pursue our dreams and we don't succeed at first ,with continued persistence, God will use lesson we learnt from such a failure as a spring board to push us to a level we never thought we could achieve. If we succeed God will strengthen and bless our daring effort for further heights but if we fail to try our lives will be filled with regret for not starting such a dream.
Do you desire to become a successful man or woman in life? Do you want your name to be boldly written on the sands of time as a success symbol? Then you must be bold like a lion and conquer your fears. Take that bold step to pursue your dreams to its fruition and bet me no matter the many falls you might have encountered on the way , with persistence you will certainly succeed.
Start that business, start that project, start that academic pursuit, start that new you and come what may though they might be onlookers who will ridicule you at the onset, be patient, be confident and persistent for they will certainly rejoice with you when the crown of success settles with ease on your head.
Such as Fantastic post i cannot see! Really it is a very experienced post, thanks for the share.
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