Tuesday 27 December 2016


"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people" 
         Eleanor Roosevelt (former first lady of the United States)
In the stage of life, there are many things we humans discuss about. This may be ideas , events or people. But our greatness in life depends on what our mind focuses on.
  From the quote above you will discover that there are three categories of people . The small minded people, the average minded people and finally Great minded people. using my piecemeal approach, I will define the these three categories of people to the best of my ability.
The Small minded people- I personally call these set of people, people with a small fry mentality. these set of people occupy their minds discussing about people instead of focusing on theirs.  in the Nigerian setting, you will find these set of people in every nook and cranny of the society. You might find them as your next door neighbor, your fellow employee in your place of work, or a fellow worshipper in the church where you worship. These people preoccupy themselves discussing about people with the sole purpose of tarnishing their image. They ears itch for the latest gossip and are glad when their fellow comrades are around in order to dispel it and make it viral.
  I pity such set of people because I take them as myopic yokels whose minds needs to be matured and creative. They are people used and dumped easily by the devil.
The Average minded people  : These are people slightly better than the simple minded people but are average minded. They preoccupy their minds discussing about latest events and lifestyle. You see most of these people at newspaper stands forming small groups discussing about the latest event in town. I am not saying that the simple minded people are not found in newspaper stands but the average minded people are mostly seen. They discuss about the latest nightclubs happening in the city, latest boutiques celebrities attend and also the latest films that will show on silver bird cinema. These set of people are satisfied with the average level and does not want to go further in life. Their minds are occupied with events and can waste their hard earned money and capital to keep up with the joneses. Most of fall people also fall within the single source of income circle.
The Great minded people: The set of people are unique because they always make a glowing positive difference in their lives and in the lives of people around them. They are mostly the ones the simple minded ones talk about and the average minded people attend their events. They make things  happen for they are the ones holding the economic strength of a nation. Their minds are always busy creating new ideas that will help humanity and also add money to their various pockets for most of them are multiple source of income earners. They are the go getters of our time.
    What do you normally  discuss about? Do you discuss about people or events? To me it is noble to think about Great and lofty ideas for "ideas rule the world" or don't you think so?

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