Sunday 24 January 2016



  Several years ago Doctor Billy Graham  and his family were heading towards Miami in their family car .As they along, they went through a little town where a policeman pulled them over for going forty-five miles per hour in a thirty-five mile-per hour speed zone.
    The Policeman said," Follow me ".Dr Graham did as he was instructed to do and followed the officer to the town's justice of the peace. The Justice of the peace also served as the town's barber, so the policeman proceeded to the policeman proceeded to the barbershop. As the entered the tiny shop, the justice of the peace motioned in the direction of an empty seat and said, "Sit down. Ill be with you in a minute".
  Dr Graham took a seat and waited for the barber(who was also the justice of the peace)to finish shaving the man seated at the barber's chair.
   As soon as he finished  shaving the man, the justice of the peace pulled off his apron and made his way to the direction of the nearby table .He sat down, picked up the gavel   and said," the court is now in session". As the gavel rang out, affirming that court was in session, he asked "what's the charge?" .The policeman stepped forward and stated that the charge was speeding.
   The justice of the peace turned and looked at Dr Graham and inquired, "Guilty or not guilty?"
  "Guilty,Your honour,?"Dr .Graham responded as he reached into hid pocket to retrieve some money to pay thefine.As the justice of the peace looked at him, and said "Don't I know you?" he asked ."I hope not Sir" Dr Graham replied .The man continued "Aren't you BillyGraham the preacher?" Reluctantly Dr Graham said,"Iam sorry to admit Sir I  am."
 "Put it there ,the man said cordially,"I listen to you every Sunday afternoon on the radio, and I think you are doing a wonderful job"
 Thinking he had found a friend, they chatted for minutes when Graham was about living ,the justice of the peace smile suddenly faded and with a stern voice said" That will be ten dollars, please a dollar for every mile you were over the speed. but you what, I really like you a lot. although I have filled the citation myself, ILL PAY THE FINE FOR YOU". Just like Dr Graham, you and I deserved the full penalty of the law. But Christ the Son of God, took our place, and through his death on Calvary's tree He said ,"Wait a minute .Ill pay the price." AND THAT WAS SALVATION!!! Romans5:1-2

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