Thursday 17 December 2015



During the years when slavery was legal in the United states, A Gentleman happened to witness a Slave biding in a crowded street .As he watched from the edge of the crowd to observe the activities, He saw one slave to another led onto a platform their arms and legs with ropes as if they were animals

Displayed among the jeering crowd, was a young female slave standing at the back, her eyes tilted with fear and looked so frightened. The Gentleman hesitated for a moment and then disappeared briefly. When he returned, The Auctioneer was about to start with the biding of the young Girl he had noticed before hand. As the Auctioneer started the biding, the Gentleman shouted out a bid that was twice the amount of any selling price offered that day. There was silence for an instance, and the gavel fell as" sold to the Gentleman". The rope that bound her was handed to the Gentleman who accepted it without saying anything. The young girl stared at the ground ,Suddenly looked up and spat in his face. Silently, he reached for a handkerchief and wiped the spittle from his face. He smiled gently and said "follow me". This the slave girl did reluctantly.
       In the slave years, there were legal documents called "manumission papers" which was obtained upon the purchase of a slave. These Papers were necessary documents those days. The Gentleman paid the purchase price and the necessary documents. when the transaction was complete, he turned to the girl and presented the documents to her. Startled ,she looked at him with uncertainty .Her narrowed eyes asked "what are you doing", The Gentleman responded to her questioning look. He said "Here are the papers.I bought them to set you free As long as you have these papers in your possession, no man can ever make you a slave again"The slave girl was surprised and shocked beyond words, for she kept on saying the words of the Gentleman "you bought me to set me free?". As she began to grasp at the significance of the documents she now held,She fell to her knees and wept at the Gentleman's feet and with tears of gratitude she said" you bought to set me free? I will serve you forever" .Jesus paid such a price for us when he shed his blood  on the cross for our sins at Calvary. That's what the Bible called Redemption.


  1. The bondage of sin was broken by shedding of his blood on the cross

  2. The bondage of sin was broken by his dying on the cross for us
