Tuesday, 22 November 2016



As I was moving towards the bank in my vicinity in order to recharge my phone which was at its lowest ebb and also to withdraw cash. I was opportune to witness a scenario that greatly influenced my writing this article.
I saw a woman complaining bitterly to a man about her husband. The woman's voice was so loud that anyone nearby can eavesdrop.
  The woman was complaining to the man about her marriage. She said that her husband doesn't care about her anymore as he used to before her marriage and has left all the financial needs of the family to her.
  From all I gathered, the marriage was a five year old marriage and the couple were blessed with two kids. The woman said that recently, she was so fed up with the marriage , that she threw her wedding ring at her husband as a sign of giving up. The lady was telling the man that now she is contemplating divorce because she is totally fed up with the marriage.
 The angry lady was still there when I went into the bank and did the necessary transactions, came out and left the scene.
 I wished I gave the lady a piece of candid advice, but here in Nigeria,  everybody minds his or her own business especially in Lagos where I reside.
       One thing everyone should take note is that no relationship follows a linear or straight line pattern. It has its own pros and cons. The angry might not know whether the man she was complaining to is for the marriage or against it. That is why it is wise for one to settle his or her relationship or marriage issues without any external interference.
   In every relationship to grow, one of the pair needs to pay the price for it to remain fortified and grow. Every relationship has its hassles especially marital relationship, but one needs to plant what he or she desires in that relationship even if it is not there.
    The movie war room is an ideal movie every Christian home should have. written by Stephen Kendrick et al, the movie teaches  us  the things an ideal Christian home should plant and nurture for their home to be peaceful. In the film, the lady's marriage was on the verge of collapse, but following the advise of a God fearing Christian woman, the marriage bounced back to life and peace was ensured.
  For you to live in a happy marriage or relationship, plant love in place of hatred,  plant peace in  place of war, plant tolerance in place of intolerance, plant healing in place of hurt and joy in place of sadness. But mind you, you cannot do this great task alone, you need to gather strength from a higher source and that higher source is God. When one gathers strength from God through the promises in his word, one will find out that previous obstacles to a happy marriage or relationship ceases to exist because he is a God that calms all storms. Apply this planting measure with great faith and patience in your heart and the lord who greatly blesses the sower will certainly bless your seed.

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